Thursday 28 February 2008

bedtime post

its 7.01 and i'm going to bed (don't think about it, just accept it), to celebrate my admittance of insomnia i've left you with two pics (that actually have nothing to do with anything i just said... but.... i like to compare and contrast the two... exhibit a. well rested randomchild, exhibit b. randomchild now)

whats better than a happy couple?
a fly-ass couple.

call me shallow but damn, nobody appreciates the half hearted attempt
of candidate A to 'emulate flyness of candidate B'.
nor is candidate A's 'willingness to accommodate candidate B's lack of swagger'.... in any way
acceptable, infact it borders on egregious (darn, was that an exaggeration?).
peep the lanvin platforms and the lanvin hi's.... see how they work together?.... they illustrate my (bitchy, needless) point.
reflecting the perfect couple, they don't contrast, they combine... like flour and water, not water and oil. (analogised crudely but hey, if you want me to continue i will)...
kanye and alexis...... think about it.....
aesthetic perfection is'nt a jewel that they posess solely, afterall, she styled him, provided him with swagga-som appeal... and whalla! now he works it on his own!...
its not hard, but its worth it.

illustration at the v&a

now this is cool, the fact that i heard about it today, leads me to question what i've been doing for the past month...
the v&a illustration awards is in full and magazine / newspaper illustration being prevalent aspects of the exhibition. as sods law prevails, i didn't get much from the v&a site, nevertheless, my presumption doubles as instinct.
ending on the the 18th of march, we've all got time time to check it out... i'm planning to go tomorrow (the security guards just love chasing my camera and i around)

randomchild cuts hair...

i cut it all off baby... and trust me, i cut alot (or the beautiful ghanaian lady did), my hair was getting too damn long and i needed a new look ;)


as decks go... these are pretty fly, i'm feeling the artwork to a major degree
.... i mean, i bmx (double decade baby!) and boarding is pretty new to me (as a possible means of transportation that is...) but hey, my bro's a boarder, so ima keep it in the family.

ghana dictates my pride...

reflection moves me... i have a fixation with african history.. like a serious fixation (nerd) now i'm not suggesting the world turns into bead and kufi wearing, dashiki clad fanatics (like my geeky self) but these books are objectively written and amazingly thought provoking.
great for those that wear red, black and green and don't know what the damn colors mean! also, candidates for forced educational development.. like janet jackson, that appear on daytime television showing off a ghanaian 'sankofa' tattoo, vigorously 'informing' the world thats its a kenyan symbol....

pretty mad stuff, the intricate spray work makes me wanna see more....
working with everything from wood, shelving, canvas, attire and footwear, teebeeland aren't necessarily 're-inventing' custom / graff work, but they have an edge.... i'm love the 90's vibe and i'd like to see more work from this brand. i definitely see commercial chains developing strong interest in their approach....

on starbucks...

chilling at borders...
the comedic elements of this pic bring to the surface the musings of my inner child... hence the decision that another meaningless post is in order....

aside from the drama
tic realization that shocking pink lipstick and a bright flash equate clown-like aesthetic qualities (see pic).... i took a nostalgic trip down the calorie paved road of my starbucks favourites....

1. the pomegranate frappucino (the rare-sneaker of the beverage world... confined to the international summer months / the national summer month (yes month)

2.the caffe mocha with whipped creme, no sugar (unless you're roxanne or brendan and 3/4 sugars are palatable) and chocolate sprinkling

3. the iced caffe mocha another social recluse, like a gifted artist in a sea of decorators i greet its entrance on to the seasonal beverage 'scene' with open arms. served with ice and whipped cream.... note* stir first (unless shock is a particularly enjoyable emotion for you... in which case, gulp it down, skip the creme)

4. the hazelnut mocha an occasional favorite, the whipped creme in inadvisable, but unadulterated self-indulgence undermines this... leaving one sick but content. NEVER EVER PURCHASE A CAKE WITH THIS...

5. the strawberry and cream frap ok, its predictable and overwhelmingly pretentious (think Hollywood boulevard and mary kate and ashley) but dayum son... its nice!

an assemblance of color

so i my bro dropped me this hat today.... wow
its a luminous (and i mean luuuuminous) snap back racer and its tremendously sick...
infamous for my hatred of 'color'... this will prove to be a challenge, or a style digression! but i'm thinking i'll rock it with muted shades, and shock the world... or camden at least.

the tee? oh thats a mindless mammals joint. my friend martel (co-creator) hooked me up... its one of those adaptable additions to a wardrobe.... nu-rave, hyphy, 80's, 90's whatever.... its a rockable shirt.. and i love it.
randomchild plans to rock hers with a silk blazer & kente scarf ... keeping it non-conformist baby!
hold tight

im in dire need of an award tour beanie, but in the meantime.... i shall collect random era representations (or vintage beanies).
i particularly like these two... an admission of 'obsessive compulsion' maybe.... but i'll never wear them... these are inanimate objectifications of my mad mad mad mind...

messing around with my humble camera gives me so much joy... i often enter my house in fits of strangely overwhelming excitement, frantically rushing towards the mac, where seated.. inevitable hindrance comes in the form of the ever fruitless usb search......

i always find it

i connect the heart wrenchingly beautiful devices and whalla!.... visual candy.

my dad's artistic critique (he's a journalist and photographer.... so yep, always correct) does little to effect my blissful tranquility as i caste my eyes upon my days dumb yet oh so cool snaps.

god bless you unintentional shots, temperamental flashes and dodgy shutter speed.

and what the hell is this

unfortunately for me.... i know half of y'all like/love these... yes they are spongebob emblazoned jordans.... and yes you can breath in, climb off the carpet and cool down.

inappropriate in more ways than one... i'm inclined to believe that anyone that finds these 'nice', or 'cool', 'bangin', 'fresh'.... whatever, needs to 1.put down the matching yellow and white fitted ('that would look sick in the club') 2. re-evaluate their existence.

Sunday 24 February 2008

candy coated jewels

Candy coated jewels. A pre-destined legacy, or in other words, perfection... candy coated perfection. Surpassing the fragmented foundations of many so called t-shirt companies, candy coated jewels reflects the conceptual brilliance of the 'ideal graphic clothing-line'. Exuding irrepressed creativity in an intensely Japanese manner, the brand's often mono-cromatic presentation of color beckons the eye, so too does the irregular assemblance of abstract shapes and symbols. A candy coated tee is essentially an unwrapped chocolate box (hence the name i guess) meet the creators and view an exclusive taster of this seasons collection at

tony riff is my hero...

Tony Riff is my friend.... but i also find him inspirational. right now... im feeling tired! i'll be back tomorrow, to update this post, but in the meantime...check his myspace out, and purchase his t-shirts.

gold like woah!

yep.... combined, they contribute to dr who-dom.... but sheeeeesh, they are fly .... meaningless post and proud of it!

todays slamming finds....

thanks to i bring to you (in the corniest way possible)..... duh duh duhhhhh..... purple haze!

as a self proclaimed 'purple hater', i'm currently exploring the depths of realization and admittance... ok, its true... purple drops...
but i stand by my original point.....
american apparel purple,
h&m purple and topshop purple...
do not equate to regal 'purple-dom'....

styled by us"

now, if u frequent my myspace page in an obsessive manner (i know you exist, you know who you are... and yes you scare me slightly, but thats another topic)....
you may be aware that i'm currently embarking on a re-branding / re-styling project with 3 of my beautiful friends....
independent record
companies, boutique owners and designers are our intended clientèle... think of it as style re-formation and product placement, and your halfway there.
"us styling" is our name
and heres a little peek at the crew (myself, nate, rox and justyn)......
btw the 'polaroid look' was a stylistic choice.... so don't be fooled by the scrappy composition!.... ya damn luddittes!

west-end street style

only a few pics.... the day was quite uneventful, however, i stumbled across a few jewels in the dust (it doesnt matter that some of these guys are my friends... its still streetstyle dammit!..... )

gavin dias!

Gavin Dias! theres literally nothing this guy can't do, I've known him for agessss now, but i'm constantly taken aback by his talent... an illustrator by trade, artist by profession (a statement thoroughly devoid of sense, nevertheless, totally applicable) Dias seriously compromises the artistic careers of a few people.
now rambling is a method of communication often associated with me, so i'll hold back and let the images speak for themselves... enjoy :)

90's obscurity

am i wrong in thinking these are sick? and not in a "lil wayne mentioned la gears in a track so i know like them even though my younger brother would rather die than walk next to me" way... nope, i like them in a nostalgic "coolest kid in (pre-)school" way. so.... no doubt they went out of style (in a major way), but, in hindsight they were merely replaced by 120pound 1995-7 nikes and bright green adidas monstrosities.... i keep hearing people saying they are gonna bring them back, drop them on road etc, but i'm yet to see this 'daring statement' showcase itself in physical form. i found these on

moving on...these guys make me wanna cry, im seriously gonna die if i see anyone wearing them, so i'm trying to work out why i just posted them up (the puma's i mean... the la gears can relax)..... i suggest y'all check this site out, its pretty basic but then it does offer a few rarities, so hey, who's complaining......